Are you ready to lead people in worship?

Hi everyone


Last weekend I decided to roster myself on to lead worship. Things didn’t quite go to plan for me. Take a look.

Here’s a brief summary of things to check…

  • Even if you’re not leading worship for a couple of weeks, play every day and sing every day. Worship every day.  This will not only keep your spirit fresh, but your hands, voice and mind. Spend some time on your chosen instrument every day – even 5 minutes. The difference will amaze you.
  • Do the practical stuff like change batteries and have spare strings & picks (for guitarists of course. Calendar it in every couple of months or more (depending on how much your playing) and replace the battery even if it’s not fully gone.
  • Know the songs you are leading 120% – I know that doesn’t make sense, but you loose 20% when you’re in front of people through distractions, nerves etc. You are then able to give your best and engage with God and His people you are leading, as well as give clear signals to your band members.

Please leave a reply and pass this onto all your worship leaders.

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